I just love Halloween. It is such a festive holiday. It is such a holiday of rebellion. Very rarely are we given clearance to go out, look like somebody else, and wreak havoc. Even if I'm occasionally sickened by the bags and bags of halloween candy stocked on store shelves--stuff that, as D puts it, "People shouldn't even be eating." Oh, but what do I do? Fill a plastic pumpkin with a mix of twizzlers and chocolates and bring it to school for my students. Ah, yes, my ability to take a stand against corporate America seems to wane with each passing year. Now that is frightening!
Yesterday I wore halloween socks to work and dressed in all black. I had my students work collaboratively on writing "The Worst Ever Halloween Essay." Then in the evening, D and I donned crazy wig/hat combos and painted our faces and took "the kids" (her niece and nephew) trick-or-treating.
Today though it is back to reality, and the truly scary piles of student papers awaiting my time and attention!!!!
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